Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Letter to the President

July 02, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Greetings of Peace!

I am Lance Aeron Tagorda and I am currently studying at Ilocos Sur National High School. From this letter I would like to share my thoughts about your project. Also I would like to show some gratitude for your good deeds.

Before you became the President of the Philippines, you have already proven that you are a good leader from your own city, Davao. Since the start, your main goal was that Philippines will be a drug-fee society. You really hated drugs. You never stop even if it will take lives just to stop them. But stopping them sometimes put ordinary people into fear. They are threatened.
Mr. president, let me be honest in saying this: Rodrigo Roa Duterte is both good and bad as a leader of the Filipinos. I think you are better than the previous Philippines Presidents in the matter of decisive actions and possessing political wills. I did not yet exist in Marcos’ era, but I think you are following his footprints in raising the Philippines.
Hence I wish you well.

Being a President must be really hard and stressful for you. So I, as one of your citizens will always have faith and will always trust whatever decisions you will take in improving this country. Some may dislike your attitude, but it does not matter. I think you are the best President suitable for this country.

Though I wish as well and pray that you will have time to realize what needs improvement and transformation in governing this country for genuine peace and progress, and the betterment of the entire Filipino Nation.

Hope you will get to read this open letter and I wish you good health.

Thank you and may God Bless the Philippines under your administration.

Sincerely Yours,
    (Grade 10 student)


  1. your president is so lucky to have a letter like this

  2. We all have different opinions about our president. But in your article, I liked the way you addressed some concerns in a nice way. Keep it up!

    1. I always try to express ideas in a nice way, and I take in to consideration others' opinions. Thank you!


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