Friday, October 19, 2018


World War ll. DESTRUCTION.

In God's grace, after WW2, United Nations was created. It was a relation among nations. The United Nations is one of the most important international organizations to ever be assembled. The UN has striven to maintain world peace and facilitate cooperation in solving international problems. Without the watch of UN, many more international issues between states would have ended in serious conflicts and numerous violations would have occurred throughout the world.
That is the reason why the world should celebrate United Nations Day annually. Because, if the UN protects everyone and as well as human rights and dignity. Our school celebrates United Nations Day by conducting different activities such as, UN quiz, poster-slogan, mural painting and of course the main highlight if the celebration, the UN pageant. Contestants must dress different national costumes or traditional clothing of different nations. This is a great way to honor the honor the interstate collaboration of nations

However, we must celebrate the UN Day because of diversity, wherein the result made the world a better place. It will be worth-celebrating as long as we give importance to it wholeheartedly. Sure, UN Day is one of the most significant things that have happen to the world.


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