Sunday, February 17, 2019

'Ylocos' Sure!!

 Ilocos Sur, our very own province has rich and stunning cultures and traditions that we, Ilocanos must be proud of. In order to showcase these, we have important festivals just to exhibit and promote precious products and cultures of Ilocanos. One of these is the Kannawidan Ylocos Festival which is a week-long festive of happiness for local and foreign tourists as more entertaining events are included in the celebration. 

.Kannawidan Ylocos Festival became an annual festival that aims to create awareness on the preservation of the province' rich cultural heritage, practices and traditions, and a showcase of the different agriculture and industry products of the province.

            Kannawidan Festival is a great opportunity for us, Ilocanos, to show what we got and our appreciation to our culture and everything that makes up Ilocos Sur; to show the Ilocano spirit! The said festival is a great trend to the youth and old ones as well to witness what we have that may affect our pleasure and satisfaction with the event. Perhaps, the said affair is a way for some to really know more about the different places in the province! Surely, it astounds and astonish each who will come and visit it. 

            Somehow, this (I believe) is an event that gives importance to every Ilocano! It is a way to appreciate the culture we have; to study every single detail that makes our culture; to understand what we really have; to preserve those significant cultures and to promote what we can offer to everyone willing to know those important things! Moreover, let us all preserve these cultures for next generations and this will serve as our trademark as an Ilocano.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Change Brings Opportunity and It Starts With Me

Things and people change. Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. You will grow and learn new things every time something changes. You discover new insights about different aspects of your life. You learn lessons even from changes that did not lead you to where you wanted to be. Frequent changes make you easily adapt to new situations, new environments, and new people.To change is to improve and to be perfect is to change often.Accomplishing anything great in life requires significant change that pushes us beyond our comfort zones.

 Many times, the only way to improve our lives is to force ourselves to undergo difficult change. That might mean breaking up and leaving anything that’s holding us back from reaching our dreams. Of course, dealing with uninvited change in our lives is often difficult and painful. But whatever change you’re dealing with, know that how you cope with that change will have an impact on your future.

No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always change and become a better version of yourself.  Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.  And the greatest mistake you can make in life is to continuously fear of taking a new step and uttering a word.

They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. No one ever knows what each change may bring. When you turn from your usual path there will be plenty of different opportunities waiting for you. Changes will bring new choices for happiness and fulfillment.

As we go on with our life, many things will change. One may say that his/her priorities are now more of a dream; and one may claim that he/she is a better person now. But no one has the right to question our personality even the person we trust or know us for a long time – remember that no one truly knows who we really are except ourselves. With that, we are the one who has the power to decide everything for ourselves, but also remember that the decisions we make are the first reason for everything that happens in the community we belong! 

Each change is a turning page. It is about closing one chapter and opening another one. Changes bring new beginnings and excitement to life. You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Never give up.  Change start on you, Change starts in me.

Sunday, February 3, 2019


The moment we are out inside our mother's womb, life took its place and our nature defines every action we take. The incapability to resist ourselves from doing wrong things makes a great scratch in our pure soul. We become helpless, we become hopeless, and we regret the wrong things we have done. However, there is God.

A sunrise is a way of God saying, we should start again. Everyday is a beginning that God himself has set for us. He is giving us the opportunity not to erase what we have done wrong yesterday or make the same mistake but to make things right how it should be. We should also consider the fact that every new year is also a new chapter of our lives or let's say it our "Rebirth". 

At some instances, our beginning isn't always perfect, or go accordingly. Sometimes, we are afraid to fail on how we should begin. We are pulled by doubts to our own capabilities. We have our minds and hands to fulfill something but what's missing is our heart to nurture it. We should keep in mind that not all successful endings has the perfect beginnings. He who has a good vision to his positive outcome where he puts his whole innocence to the thing he believes in will be the ones successful. He who cannot be easily driven away by the challenges along the way. He who can balance things appropriately. We should also remember that not all has a great beginning, we are all starting at a certain point. We only need the courage to take one step forward and bear whatever the risks it would be. We are not praised on a wonderful beginning, but rather on a successful ending. 

 I am blessed with another chapter in my life. Be whatever it wants to be! I'm saying I am positive of my future no matter how this beginning of my chapter starts. I'm positive that I will fill this chapter with something worthy enough to be treasure forever.

I'm not Too Good at Goodbyes

Stepping in a new room is very nerve-wracking, but exciting at the same time. I get to see both familiar and new faces. I look at the 35 peo...