Saturday, October 20, 2018

It's Not Yet Over!

 Time really flew so fast. It is just barely five months from the opening of classes that we are about to finish the first two quarters of the school year. Before the semestral break, it is expected that the second grading period ends. 

 We can’t deny that every grading period is full of different challenges, struggles, and activities that make us move forward towards self- development. Although, there were many requirements to pass, assignments to do, and lessons to review, they were all learning opportunities that honed not only our minds but also our attitude. During the discussions of ICT on the 2nd quarter, I admit I find it hard to cope up with lessons. What did I do? Well, I guess it's not that really bad to ask others. Then. from to time, I tried to work independently, but not so independent., until I learned how to love this subject.

With the limited days of the 2nd quarter, we were bombarded with activities and requirements. It came to the point wherein we didn't know what we should do first. We can feel that sem-break is coming but the requirements are coming along the way. however, it's a good thing we managed to overcome all of these. Perhaps this is really the challenge of being a student if the Special Programs. We have to stive to be the best in everything we do. We must possess a strong-willed heart in order to overcome the challenges. We must be competitive and at the same, make every moment the best day of our lives.


Friday, October 19, 2018


World War ll. DESTRUCTION.

In God's grace, after WW2, United Nations was created. It was a relation among nations. The United Nations is one of the most important international organizations to ever be assembled. The UN has striven to maintain world peace and facilitate cooperation in solving international problems. Without the watch of UN, many more international issues between states would have ended in serious conflicts and numerous violations would have occurred throughout the world.
That is the reason why the world should celebrate United Nations Day annually. Because, if the UN protects everyone and as well as human rights and dignity. Our school celebrates United Nations Day by conducting different activities such as, UN quiz, poster-slogan, mural painting and of course the main highlight if the celebration, the UN pageant. Contestants must dress different national costumes or traditional clothing of different nations. This is a great way to honor the honor the interstate collaboration of nations

However, we must celebrate the UN Day because of diversity, wherein the result made the world a better place. It will be worth-celebrating as long as we give importance to it wholeheartedly. Sure, UN Day is one of the most significant things that have happen to the world.


In the Darkness, You are my Light

Heroism is not only the shedding of blood or dying for one’s country. It is a noble act for others no matter how simple and small it may be. Teaching as we all know is a noble profession. As such, teachers are considered as living heroes of all time.

Every day, in every door of each room we pass by, we see them teaching the young minds. Every hour, we see them talking, giving advices on how to dream and live well. They taught us the right direction, taught us what is right and wrong and gave us knowledge about what life is. They play a very important role in the society and as well as our lives. They hold our dreams and also, our future is within their hands. That is why we shouldn’t belittle the capabilities of a teacher. Teachers are heroes because they deal with delicate minds and sensitive hearts, unlike other professions; they deal with, machines, gadgets and others. Another is they provide other professions, without them, there will be no doctors, engineers, lawyers, and others.

Without them, we would have been lost. In the long road of darkness, they are our light. They will light the candle of knowledge. That is the reason why we should be grateful to our teachers, if you are reading this article; why not spare a minute to thank a teacher? Give them gifts and make them feel the warmest love of all.

Teachers, I am very grateful, you’ve shown me the right path on my journey.

Science! Science! Science! How Great!

Organizations are mainly made to help the environment. Almost every schools nationwide have different organizations on it. The school conducts various activities and seminars in order to help the students, enhance their abilities and discover their talents. The Science Club Month is one of the most participated and enjoyed club in our school, mainly because of their inspiring activities and helpful programs.

This year's theme of the Science Month Celebration is " WAVEFRONT: Accentuating Potentials Activating Technological Advancements." According to research, the theme aims to focus on giving importance to Michael Faraday's discovery of electricity and magnetism as part of the same phenomenon, which is now the cornerstone of human technological advancements that brought significant changes in the world today, and even upcoming changes in the future.

Science! Science! Science! Science has changed the world for good. From time to time, new inventions are introduced gradually and these inventions have made life convenient for the human beings. Yes, some of these inventions have already become a part of our lives and we cannot imagine our lives if we lose them. I hope scientists would continue inventing new things to make our lives even better.

Wow! You might say. Science obviously made a big BIG impact on the world. So, as giving importance to the contribution of Science to the world, each school must always conduct celebrations commemorating Science. Ilocos Sur National High School held exciting activities, such as sci-tricks, essay writing, slogan-making contest, collage and one of the most-awaited activities was the "G. at Bb. Kalikasan 2018." It was participated by many students and competed which one will get the crown.

These activities didn't only enhance the students, but also it brought fun to everybody, and it gave them a memorable experience to be treasured forever. Yes, scientific inventions have sometimes led us to the degradation of environment, and cause numerous health problems for mankind, but we cannot deny the fact that science has changed the world progressively.


I'm not Too Good at Goodbyes

Stepping in a new room is very nerve-wracking, but exciting at the same time. I get to see both familiar and new faces. I look at the 35 peo...