Friday, October 19, 2018

In the Darkness, You are my Light

Heroism is not only the shedding of blood or dying for one’s country. It is a noble act for others no matter how simple and small it may be. Teaching as we all know is a noble profession. As such, teachers are considered as living heroes of all time.

Every day, in every door of each room we pass by, we see them teaching the young minds. Every hour, we see them talking, giving advices on how to dream and live well. They taught us the right direction, taught us what is right and wrong and gave us knowledge about what life is. They play a very important role in the society and as well as our lives. They hold our dreams and also, our future is within their hands. That is why we shouldn’t belittle the capabilities of a teacher. Teachers are heroes because they deal with delicate minds and sensitive hearts, unlike other professions; they deal with, machines, gadgets and others. Another is they provide other professions, without them, there will be no doctors, engineers, lawyers, and others.

Without them, we would have been lost. In the long road of darkness, they are our light. They will light the candle of knowledge. That is the reason why we should be grateful to our teachers, if you are reading this article; why not spare a minute to thank a teacher? Give them gifts and make them feel the warmest love of all.

Teachers, I am very grateful, you’ve shown me the right path on my journey.

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