Monday, December 3, 2018

Don't Waste the Opportunity

Today we live in a world full of technological wonders. Colour television, supersonic jets, and personal computers are common things. We enjoy a high level of living that our ancestors never even dreamed of. However, hand in hand, with this affluence, these technologies has contribute to our laziness. There are signs that newer gadgets or inventions will invade our lives soon to take over most of our daily lives. 

Yes, there is no doubt that these gadgets have made life convenient for us human beings. In fact, these are already a part of our lives, and we cannot imagine living without them. We just keep using these without awareness and destroy our lives with it. If talking about communication, there is no doubt that these gadgets plays a big important role for us. We can see our love ones far away through the use of smart phones, television and others. 

But right now, are we using these gadgets in the most effective way? Today, most of our time gets wasted by the use of our gadgets, we expose ourselves too much on social media, when in fact, what we should be doing is to have a quality time with our families. When you go home from school, do you even notice your parents? or you just passed by straight to your room and affix yourself with the gadget you are holding.

Using gadgets comes with great responsibility. Too much use of these gadgets could lead you to something unusual. These gadgets should only be used in the most important times. Instead of being attached with the gadgets at home, we should use this to make our lives better and not to ruin our lives. Our families should always comes first aside from anything. Always remember, you can have lots of lots of new gadgets, but you can only have ONE FAMILY. So, don't waste the opportunity.


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