Wednesday, August 1, 2018

He is my President! You can't change that!

I believe that every Filipino citizen always gives their reaction when it comes to the State Of the Nation Address  or every presidential speech. They watch, reflect, and react. Thus, if not only for patriotism, when we think for our country, I believe it serves as a sign of our citizenship. Some events in the SONA 2018 were not expected as it should be. The speech was delayed for some time before it actually started.

President Duterte was so aggressive on his war against drugs that he started his speech with this, "The war against illegal drugs is far from over... This is why the illegal drugs war will not be sidelined. Instead, it will be as relentless and chilling, if you will, as on the day it began." This proves his will to eradicate drugs in the country.

Duterte attack the human rights from this statement, " Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives. The lives of our youth are being wasted and families are destroyed, and all because of the chemicals called shabu, cocaine, cannabis, and heroine." This gave different reactions from people. The statement sounded like drug-users are not human lives. Human rights of the Filipinos seemed forsaken.

We all know that President Duterte is admired by everyone for his leadership is extravagant and different from the late Presidents. Duterte serves as the Filipinos' hope, he followed the footprints of the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos. He already stated from his speech, " You worry about the present, I worry about the future." This gives us the hope that our country will be a better country in his administration because we are not the only one dreaming for progression, someone will take the act to acquire this dreams from us.

Yes, rallies and protests were made after the event because of some various reasons, but we cannot forget the achievements President Duterte has done to our country. Let us all wait for prosperity and believe on Duterte's ability on turning the Philippines a great and progressive country. Some may say that he cuss words or he is naive, remember that he will be the man who made everything possible to this country. It does not matter whether he has bad attitudes, as long as he desires to help and has a good vision into this country. I will always lend my hand to him. He is my President, no matter what you say. You cannot change that.



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