Thursday, August 23, 2018

We Gotta Be Strong, Just Keep Pushing!

I remember tears streaming down your face when you thought everything was gone, when all those shadows almost killed your light. I remember when you said, "I can't do it anymore, please, help me." I could see it on your eyes, you feel lost and shame, but please don't feel that way. Because all of that will be passed and gone tonight. Just close your eyes, the sun is going down. You will be alright, nothing can hurt you now. Come morning light, you will be safe and sound.

The Filipinos always tend to suffer from lost. Unexpected deaths of our love ones because of natural calamities and also because of unforgivable cruelty of the people. And I've seen a lot of them. I've heard the cry of the people longing for their loved ones. "I want justice!". "I lost my son because of this merciless Maute group" " He was just a little boy." "He's innocent. Why him?" The group has forbid our human rights such as the right to live. Also the wrath of the disasters could take away everything from us. Our homes, properties and includes ourselves.

Countless calamities such as typhoons, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions were once in front of us and left us great amounts of casualties. But we Filipinos couldn't afford to stay silent and do nothing, we cannot give up, because we won't get anything from giving up. Besides, we are getting used to it, time heals everything and we have been tested by that a lot of times ready. Of course we are better than ready. Our spirits to recover could not be defeated by anything. I may be tear down apart, you may break my bones if you want, but I will surely pick up the scattered opportunities to remain strong and firm. I think these words are already planted in every Filipinos' heart, and you can never tore it down because it grows larger and larger, the more problems they take, the more it grows. It feels like their spirits is a superior thing that can be compared to as a great bandage. Whenever they get wounds, there is a pack of bandages ready to heal and cover the wound. They cover the wounds and God heals them. Calamities are just calamities, if they want to come at us, bring it, we're Filipinos, you can't break us, never. Yes, we've faced a lot of disasters and left us great amounts of casualties, but that doesn't say we're broke, in fact, we became stronger and stronger.

It may take a lot of time for rehabilitation, but as long as we don't break, that's enough to be considered as recovered. We can overcome the circumstances because we know we were never alone, together we stand, we will be on each other's side and will take each other's hand. Just like, when it gets cold and it feels like the end, we won't give in. We will keep holding on 'cause we know we'll make it through. We will stay strong because we know there will always be someone for us. Struggles and chances might knock us down, but no, we're not breaking. we gotta be strong. Just keep pushing!


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