Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Diamonds Among Rocks

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." -Galatians 3:28-

As everyday moves along in this technological worlds, that stunned every human to crave more risks, it also increases the chances for us to be aware of the reality in life.

Times today have it's true problems. Discrimination is a problem which interrogates the possible opportunities that should be rightfully given to any individual. Humanity is now forgetting the real meaning of equality. Cases among women can now be observes worldwide. It all started when man had the ability to think and control his abilities over nature. The society gave harder tasks that requires great power to men and feminine works are given to women. But on the other hand, this created abusive actions to be done. Whoooosh! Discrimination started!

Women have always been treated as "underdogs" in the shadows of men. They were always second-in-command when it comes to power, and if not rare, they are always deprived when they attempt to take control. Lots of cases are reported, abuses, rapes and others.

In the Philippines, high positions are mostly occupied by males. Although there are some females in the congress, still the mark of discrimination doesn't fade. I know. women have undergone trials men didn't dared to go. They were tested by fate. It simply means they have lots of things they can do. If men are called the "rocks" who possess great strength and stability, I say women are diamonds that could shine brighter than the rocks.

We don't have the right to deny ones rights and opportunities, for we are all creations of God. Denying someone's rights is also like challenging their humanity. We were all born naked, We all suffer pains and cry. We all have problems and struggles. We are human. We are equal.

It's a great thing the law of equality was proclaimed, because of this, the diamonds could now shine and the rocks would be their foundation.

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