Thursday, December 6, 2018

Sharing and Giving the Essence of Love

Woooh! Is it me or the wind breeze is jsut getting cold? I can't even  take a bath with ease. Waking up gets harder and harder, which is why I'm always late at school. Haha. Well I can't really complain about it, otherwise, Santa Claus wouldn't give me free candies. Hahaha! Christmas is approaching.

As the day of Christmas approaches, not only children, bu also adults shivers with excitement. This tradtition marks the taime for sharing and giving the essence of love.

As I've encounter lots of people,, most of them thinks that Christmas is only about giving and receiving gist from others. The idea is embarked in our minds that they tend to forget what the true essence of Christmas really is. In reality, a person expects to receive gifts from someone which make the case worse.

As the amateurs said, giving is better than receiving. However, we should not be forced to give, but rather, we give because we loved to. If you give forcibly, then do you still call it as giving? I believe it's not. THus, I believe the true essence of Christmas is about sharing and giving love.

1 comment:

  1. Knowing you belong to other religion, you still showed your respect to our God. Keep spreading your love and respect to others!


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