Thursday, December 6, 2018

Sharing and Giving the Essence of Love

Woooh! Is it me or the wind breeze is jsut getting cold? I can't even  take a bath with ease. Waking up gets harder and harder, which is why I'm always late at school. Haha. Well I can't really complain about it, otherwise, Santa Claus wouldn't give me free candies. Hahaha! Christmas is approaching.

As the day of Christmas approaches, not only children, bu also adults shivers with excitement. This tradtition marks the taime for sharing and giving the essence of love.

As I've encounter lots of people,, most of them thinks that Christmas is only about giving and receiving gist from others. The idea is embarked in our minds that they tend to forget what the true essence of Christmas really is. In reality, a person expects to receive gifts from someone which make the case worse.

As the amateurs said, giving is better than receiving. However, we should not be forced to give, but rather, we give because we loved to. If you give forcibly, then do you still call it as giving? I believe it's not. THus, I believe the true essence of Christmas is about sharing and giving love.

The Diamonds Among Rocks

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." -Galatians 3:28-

As everyday moves along in this technological worlds, that stunned every human to crave more risks, it also increases the chances for us to be aware of the reality in life.

Times today have it's true problems. Discrimination is a problem which interrogates the possible opportunities that should be rightfully given to any individual. Humanity is now forgetting the real meaning of equality. Cases among women can now be observes worldwide. It all started when man had the ability to think and control his abilities over nature. The society gave harder tasks that requires great power to men and feminine works are given to women. But on the other hand, this created abusive actions to be done. Whoooosh! Discrimination started!

Women have always been treated as "underdogs" in the shadows of men. They were always second-in-command when it comes to power, and if not rare, they are always deprived when they attempt to take control. Lots of cases are reported, abuses, rapes and others.

In the Philippines, high positions are mostly occupied by males. Although there are some females in the congress, still the mark of discrimination doesn't fade. I know. women have undergone trials men didn't dared to go. They were tested by fate. It simply means they have lots of things they can do. If men are called the "rocks" who possess great strength and stability, I say women are diamonds that could shine brighter than the rocks.

We don't have the right to deny ones rights and opportunities, for we are all creations of God. Denying someone's rights is also like challenging their humanity. We were all born naked, We all suffer pains and cry. We all have problems and struggles. We are human. We are equal.

It's a great thing the law of equality was proclaimed, because of this, the diamonds could now shine and the rocks would be their foundation.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Give Them Something Good To Imitate!

"I wouldn't change you for the world, rather, I would change the world for you." Imagine your parents would say this to you. Isn't it one of the most pleasing words you'll ever hear from the mouths of your parents? Isn't it reassuring to feel that your parents are willing to take the risk and challenge from the moment you were fertilized in your mother's ovary, which is to take good care of you and turn you into a great individual?

Let us not forget the fact that the future is in the hands of our sons and daughters. So, we should give our children with proper care no matter what the situation is, be it good or bad. As the old says, children have never been very good at listening to their elders but they have never failed to imitate them. Children are great imitators, so we should give them something good to imitate.

Parents decided to have children, along with it is a big responsibility towards the future of their children. Every parent must never forget their responsibilities as a father and mother, for the moment your child goes out, there's nothing enough he needs than your love and care. Every children deserves happiness, no one could deny it from them. Every children deserves to be loved, he will never learn to love unless you show it to them. But above all, every children holds a key, a key to the bright future of the incoming generations.

This year's theme of the children's month celebration is " Isulong: Tamang Pag-aaruga Para sa Lahat ng Bata." The theme means not only we should give them the proper care they need but to open up their hearts and soul to the whole new world. In this case, it will not be hard to hand them our dreams in life. Above all, they will be the greatest children who would make a better place to live in. 


Monday, December 3, 2018

Don't Waste the Opportunity

Today we live in a world full of technological wonders. Colour television, supersonic jets, and personal computers are common things. We enjoy a high level of living that our ancestors never even dreamed of. However, hand in hand, with this affluence, these technologies has contribute to our laziness. There are signs that newer gadgets or inventions will invade our lives soon to take over most of our daily lives. 

Yes, there is no doubt that these gadgets have made life convenient for us human beings. In fact, these are already a part of our lives, and we cannot imagine living without them. We just keep using these without awareness and destroy our lives with it. If talking about communication, there is no doubt that these gadgets plays a big important role for us. We can see our love ones far away through the use of smart phones, television and others. 

But right now, are we using these gadgets in the most effective way? Today, most of our time gets wasted by the use of our gadgets, we expose ourselves too much on social media, when in fact, what we should be doing is to have a quality time with our families. When you go home from school, do you even notice your parents? or you just passed by straight to your room and affix yourself with the gadget you are holding.

Using gadgets comes with great responsibility. Too much use of these gadgets could lead you to something unusual. These gadgets should only be used in the most important times. Instead of being attached with the gadgets at home, we should use this to make our lives better and not to ruin our lives. Our families should always comes first aside from anything. Always remember, you can have lots of lots of new gadgets, but you can only have ONE FAMILY. So, don't waste the opportunity.


You Can Find Magic!

As always, having a good reading ability gives individuals countless of benefits. We all know that having the ability to read matters and is very important in our life. Reading has always been the key to a brighter future. In all aspects, we cannot deny the fact that everyday, we read and read. The society has come up with high standards, and in order to cope with them, first we should learn how to attain this ability.

A child can read and read for as long as he wants. Through this habit, he can learn and learn things he needs. With what he learned from reading is a vital tool for him to grow more and become a great individual. We all know that what he knows is a very good way and a bridge in expressing what he knows and feels.

"You can find magic wherever you look. Just sit back and relax, all you need is a book.", our teachers say. It's true that reading takes you to places to go when you have to stay where you are. In reading, we can expand our minds, open up our eyes, and eventually fill up our hearts, What greater way of having great knowledge than filling up our souls and hearts with great lessons and values we can use in our lives? None. 

No one knows what we will pursue in his upcoming days. But one thing is for sure; to be great occupants of roles in the society. Truly reading is the perfect way to relieve our minds, it serves a a powerful tool to spark the hope of success of a single individual. 


I'm not Too Good at Goodbyes

Stepping in a new room is very nerve-wracking, but exciting at the same time. I get to see both familiar and new faces. I look at the 35 peo...